Grading Policy

Jumprope is LMCJ’s reporting system to capture both Academic progress and HOME progress. As a reminder, 2/3 of a scholar’s overall grade is Academic and based on grade level content standards and 1/3 is based on HOME. Academic assignments are aligned to grade level standards while HOME assignments are aligned to our habits of mind–Inquiry, Collaboration, Active Citizenship, Perseverance, Responsibility, and Integrity. Additionally, scholars are graded based on 3 categories within these grades, formative assessments (quizzes), summative assessments (unit tests), and classwork.
Grades are updated weekly and both families and scholars can log on with her Lillie May email address and unique password to access how your scholar is progressing in every content class. 


2200 Sinclair Lane     Baltimore, MD 21213     t 443-320-9499       f 443-320-9036